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Animator, Death Maiden, Necromancer, Bone Dancer, Corpse Reviver. I have been called them all. Such a moniker holds no weight for me as it does for you. However there is one name that holds far more truth than any of them combined.

For I am the harbinger.

Do not mistake me for a falsifed soothsayer. I am not an artful mage honing a fine craft. I am not a creature who clings to mere words in hopes of fame and glory and fortune. For my calling is not greed but of an ancient vocation.

The whispers that go bump in the night, I did not have to learn to hear their calls. For I am the one who orchestrates their symphony. I was born into this burden to have my blood intertwined with those that can no longer speak. My soul was placed to be the anchor for all the death and depravity to seek comfort in.


And with this great responsiblity, comes with it the clarity of the gods. What I can offer is haromony in that chaos and violence.


Be no fool to ignore the knock from Death's door. For the very base of every 'what will be', there is a 'what was'. Every link to the future, there is a direct correlation to the past. Do not be ignorant to the knowledge that centuries past have given you.


Be wise and choose to listen to the words and guidence that I can offer you. It could possibly be the very key to your salvation. 

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